Community Collaboration
We are active in many community collaboratives including Hunger Free Golden, Jefferson County Food Policy Council, Sheridan/West Colfax Food in Communities Coalition, Coalition to End Hunger in Lakewood, and Triad Health in Early Childhood Collaborative.
Because of the meaningful relationships we build and activities we participate in within these collaborative groups, we are able to advocate for systemic change in our local communities. We take part in food access advocacy, partner on grant opportunities, and collaborate with our partners to share resources and knowledge.
In partnership with many community partners in Golden, we participate in the Golden Food Pantry Assistance Grant Program, organized by Hunger Free Golden and funded by the City of Golden. The goal of this grant program is to increase the resiliency of our local food system, as well as the health and food/nutrition security of our community members by building partnerships between local food assistance providers and local farmers, producers, and ranchers.
We are excited to be part of this program and work with our farmer partners to get more healthy food from local farms on to the shelves of local food pantries.
Through the Community Food Project Grant program, we are working with the Jefferson County Head Start, Jefferson County Public Health WIC, and many more community partners to build a thriving local food system in the Southeast Arvada neighborhood. This project is filled with activities that include weekly GoFarm mobile markets, the Sunshine Community Garden, educational activities, community events, discounts on local food, and more!
An engaged local community and community partners inform and drive the project, working to ensure that access to culturally appropriate, affordable, nutritious food is available to all.