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Building a More Equitable, Resilient, Environmentally-Sustainable, and Inclusive
Local Food System

About Us

GoFarm is a nonprofit organization with a mission to train and support local farmers, connect people with local agriculture, and increase equitable access to nutrient-rich food grown in Colorado. 


Through this work, we are strengthening the local food system, which is the process of how food gets from nearby farms, to our plates! It spans how we grow food, how we distribute food, who can access and afford food, and how we build community.


We envision a local food system that is equitable, resilient, environmentally sustainable, and inclusive. One in which farmers and farm workers have the resources they need to thrive and farm safely, community members have reliable access to healthy, local, and sustainably grown food, and everyone feels inspired to engage in their local food community.

Our Programs


Support, training, and market access for beginning, local, sustainable farmers.

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Local Food Share

Members make a commitment to local farmers by signing up for a full season of fresh, sustainably-grown food.

Community Access

Community Food Access

Making locally-grown food more accessible and affordable, and inviting everyone to be part of their local food system.

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Community Education

Educating about the local food system and instilling a greater sense of joy and appreciation for the food on our plates.

The GoFarm Approach

For the past 50 years, the Denver Metro area has been steadily losing farms and farmland; only 9 of the original 307 farms that once existed in Denver 100 years ago are still in operation today. Furthermore, in Colorado the average age of a farmer is 58 years old, and studies estimate that as many as 50% of farmers will retire within the next decade.

Over the past 7 years, Colorado’s population has increased by over 550,000 residents, and in the Denver Metro area, 24% of the population are millennials. This influx of young Coloradans has resulted in an increase of young entrepreneurs interested in farming.


In response to this rising interest in farming, GoFarm provides the economic infrastructure, mentorship, and many other resources necessary to support beginning farmers and help them start their own farms.

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At the same time, 1 in 11 Coloradans experience food insecurity, meaning they may not know where their next meal will come from. We host low-cost food markets geared toward those in need and offer economic incentives to those who are eligible. We believe it is a basic right to afford and access healthy food, and we invite EVERYONE to be part of an equitable local food system.


GoFarm also works to connect people to their local farmers and local agriculture system through our Local Food Share and a plethora of educational opportunities.


A strong local food system is one that is equitable, resilient, environmentally-sustainable, and inclusive, and this is what we are striving for. We hope you JOIN US in making this a reality.

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GoFarm is a nonprofit organization with a mission to train and support local farmers, connect people with local agriculture, and increase equitable access to nutrient-rich food grown in Colorado. 


We envision a local food system that is equitable, resilient, environmentally sustainable, and inclusive. One in which farmers and farm workers have the resources they need to thrive and farm safely, community members have reliable access to healthy, local, and sustainably grown food, and everyone feels inspired to engage in their local food community.

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