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GoFarm Blog

Shareholder How-To: Placing a Hold on your Account

Going out of town and need to skip a week of pickup? No problem, you can easily place a hold and get your shares at your next pickup! Holds must be placed at least a week in advance.

1) Log in to your account here:

2) Ensure that you are in the correct season. This picture below denotes that you are making edits for Summer Season 2021.

3) On the 'My Account' page, click Delivery hold and enter the dates you will be gone. These dates should include the pickup day(s) you will be skipping. You can enter up to three holds at a time, but they will all have the same make up date.

4) Under 'Make Up Dates', choose which date you would like to pick up your missed shares.

5) Click Save. Once you have completed this step - you are all set! You will receive a confirmation email confirming this change to your account. Your shares will be ready for you on the chosen date.

Mobile View

1) On a mobile device, you will follow the same process, but the 'delivery hold' button appears as shown below:

2) Enter the dates you will be gone, and select a Make Up Date. Click Save. You will receive a confirmation email confirming this change to your account. Your shares will be ready for you on the chosen date.

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