If you need to update any payment information for payment plan customers, please follow the following instructions. If you have any questions and/or concerns please email us at localfoodshare@gofarm.org
1) Log in to your account here: https://gofarm.localfoodmarketplace.com/Account/Login
2) Click on Account Navigation Button (white person icon on the top right green panel)

3) A drop down menu appears, click Account Information.

4) On the 'Account Information' page, click on Credit Card on the top panel. Delete and/or Add New Credit Card information, and Submit. New Credit Card information will be saved in the system for you to make a payment, or for us to run the monthly payment plans.

To Make a Payment
1) Go to Subscriptions.

2) Click on Pay Unpaid Subscriptions.

3) Double check your credit card information. You can add and/or update Credit Card information. Select the subscription payments you would like to make a payment, and Select Make Payment and the bottom of the pop-up window. You are all set!
