We are so excited to introduce our interns for the 2022 summer season!
As you may know, GoFarm is made up of a small team of 8 full-time staff. We nearly double in size during the summer season when we hire 7 seasonal interns join our team. We could not fulfill our mission to train and support local farmers, connect people with local agriculture, and increase equitable access to nutrient-rich food grown in Colorado without their support!

Community Food Interns
Our 4 Community Food Interns support both our Local Food Share and our Community Food Access Programs. Interns will learn the essential operations of a nonprofit, increase their knowledge of our local food system in Colorado, and play an integral role in connecting local farmers to people in the community.
Name: Josie Gilmore
Location: Centura Golden
Birthday: September 17th

I have spent the last 8 years working for local organic farms and 3 years working in environmental communications/marketing. In the future, I would love to continue building a strong community around regenerative agriculture and sustainable food systems.
Where are you from?
I am from Philadelphia and went to school in Michigan.
What is your favorite season?
Fall because of the weather and the harvest!
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
I would love to be able to speak every language.
Name: Annie Bush
Location: Centura Arvada
Birthday: January 23

I hope to continue working in the local food system and boosting access to fresh, nutritious local foods while building up our community!
What is the strangest talent you have?
I can balance almost any spoon on my nose.
What is your favorite veggie?
Carrots! I could live off carrots.
Favorite trail to hike?
A trail near my house growing up — during the spring and early summer, the lupine flowers are fully blooming and line the entire trail! Lupines are still my favorite wildflower because of this hike.
Name: Corey Hixson
Location: Evergreen
Birthday: December 11th

I'm really passionate about finding ways to create resilient and healthy local food systems and learning communities that support them. This is as a response to climate change and the experiences I've had while responding to disasters in cities experiencing food shortages and other hazards, caused by completely overwhelmed infrastructure and emergency management resources, during large scale disasters. I'm passionate about public health and safety also, I've created systems of education that can help foster social/emotional wellness in schools; as well as facilitate training and professional development teaching skills needed to create and facilitate high cohesion teams, in both emergency management and response, and formal teaching related paraprofessional settings.
I really like music and outdoor activities, everything from nu-metal to rap and electronica, and playing paintball to long-distance walking and hiking respectively. Allegedly, I can also sing karaoke et al. I look forward to working together, and serving to create and facilitate local food markets and businesses!
Name: Lindsey Schad
Location: Downtown Golden

What kinds of pets do you have?
I have 2 cats, Thalia who looks like a cosmic caramel latte, and Emerson who is part Maine Coon and huge (but a total scaredy cat!).
What are you most passionate about?
I am most passionate about creating new food systems for all our communities that enable food sovereignty and honor traditional climate-smart foodways while embracing sustainable innovation in growing methods to meet the needs and wants of a diverse and growing population!
Favorite trail to hike?
My favorite trail for a relatively quick, beautiful, challenging hike nearby is the Gregory Canyon loop near Chautauqua park in Boulder. BUT my favorite hike in the Front Range that I've done so far is the Devil's Thumb Lake trail. I hiked that during wildflower season last year and enjoyed every second -- it was absolutely stunning the whole way!
Market Farmer Interns
Our 3 market farmer interns support GoFarm's Incubator Farmers on their plots where they receive experience and training in a career in agriculture. Market farmer interns gain broad expsoure to every aspect of farming, including planting, growing, harvesting, processing and distribution. They also assist with a weekly distribution through GoFarm's Local Food Share.
Name: Sarah Berger
Birthday: March 3rd
Future career goals: Although it's constantly evolving, I currently see myself being a regenerative rancher. I dream of having a veggie farm with flowers and livestock that bring life back into the land I end up on.

What is your favorite season?
Spring is my favorite season, the start of the flowers popping up until winter, and the greenest greens you will ever see.
Favorite trail to hike?
North Table Mountain in Golden
What are your top hobbies?
Hiking, camping, backpacking, painting, foraging and learning about local plants and "weeds"
Name: Xander Ellis-James
Birthday: July 15th
Future career goals: My future career goals are to find my own land and to farm for a small to medium CSA. I would love to one day raise lots of animals through rotational grazing for eggs and milk and meat. But for now I'm busy tending a large garden and caring for my family's ducks and chickens.

What is your favorite veggie?
Do tomatoes count? If we're being technical than eggplants are fruits too.
Goals for the year?
I hope to grow, forage and preserve as much food as possible to become more self sustainable and rely less on big chain grocery stores.
What superpower would you like to have?
Usually I'd reply with teleportation and with gas prices right now it would be a pretty handy gift. But after changing my career goals towards farming I wish more and more for weather control powers.
Name: Stephanie San German
Birthday: November 3rd
Future career goals and interests: To become a Market Farmer, Syntropic Agroforestry Guru and Yoga Therapist

What is something someone would never guess about you?
I've lived in 4 continents.
Where are you from?
Miami, FL
Favorite holiday?
Day of the Dead