Mar 16, 2020

A Message from our Founder, RE: CoronaVirus

*Written March 11, 2020*

Dear GoFarm Community,

As we turned our clocks to daylight savings time, the Coronavirus has sounded an alarm. We are each grappling with our personal and collective response to this current global challenge and those predicted to be ahead of us.

We want you to know that at GoFarm we are doing everything we can to ensure the health and safety of our staff, shareholders, community members, farmers, and our food. The current situation points to the relevancy and urgency for us to focus on community preparedness, especially as it relates to our local food systems.

Now more than ever we rely on the strength of our local food system to provide us with healthy food to keep us nourished and strong. We’re striving for food security for our local communities, a nutritious food supply to keep our bodies healthy, and stewardship of our land to build resilience against future disease. How we grow our food, the way we distribute it, and who has access to it can make all the difference for a healthy, resilient community and planet.

Our local planting season is just beginning and our farmers have a lot of fresh, healthy food coming your way! We commit to keeping the Coronavirus concern top of mind as we navigate our upcoming growing season. Our food is grown in biodiverse soils and sees minimal amounts of handling. We will be following best practices for hand washing, staying home while sick, and wearing gloves before, during, and after handling food. We will continue monitoring the situation as we near our season and take extra precautions when/if necessary.

All in all, we are here to transform local agriculture to feed healthy bodies, healthy communities, and a healthy planet while keeping you and others in the community safe.

